Well it's ages since I last posted anything on here. In writing a brief for a client and in looking at what I have been up to over the last few weeks I am reminded very clearly of the old adage that 'we should practise what we preach'.
Kids on school holidays, business to run, endless stream of visitors staying and the inevitable washing, cooking, cleaning still to be done....does this sound like the perennial cry of the working mother these days?! I am so not immune to it, and yet I run workshops, and I'm about to embark on running a long programme, entitled 'Beyond Multi-Tasking'!
This workshop represents the anti-thesis of my daily life and that of many people these days. It will challenges the myth of multi-tasking and looks at the fragmentation and ultimately the depletion of energy that is inevitable when we try to take on too many tasks at once - talking on the phone to a client whilst supervising the destruction of my kitchen with 4 children in lunch-making mode, springs to mind as yesterday's example! We look at what is to be gained by focusing energy into one task at a time and ask delegates to do a personal energy audit to gain a deeper self-awareness of the times in their day they are most likely to be effective at their various challenges requiring physical, intellectual or emotional focus. I have learned that my brain works best in front of my computer at 5am and that if I want to exercise I'm most efficient at about 4pm. There's a really good body clock, The Human Circadian Rhythm, I found on Wikepedia that explains why this should be so. I teach people to recognise that personal energy is a precious resource and challenging it wisely is crucial, made more so when organisations are facing difficult times and more is expected of fewer people.....now, how to take these themes in a practical way into today?!
Wish me luck!
Wish me luck!